Subscribe to Customised Alerts

Choose to receive all EWN alerts sent to one or more states - or the whole country. These are delivered via SMS and email, and/or fax if required. After you submit the form we'll be in touch regarding pricing and recipients.

Company Name   
Your Name   
Phone Number   
Billing Address   
Regions of interest    All states/territories Tasmania
  NSW/ACT South Australia
  Queensland Western Australia
  Victoria Northern Territory

EWN is a service intended to provide early warning of severe weather events. It uses publicly available information to provide subscribers with alerts relevant to a chosen location. Whilst we endeavour to provide a service of the highest possible quality, no such system can claim to be failsafe. For that reason if you subscribe to this alert service you expressly agree that none of Early Warning Network Pty Ltd (the provider of the service) or any of its related bodies corporate will be responsible to you for any loss or damage suffered by you in connection with the service. This includes, but is not limited to, any loss or damage arising from the failure to warn you of a severe weather event and provision of an alert that warns of a weather event that fails to materialise.

I agree and accept.