Don't you sometimes wish you had a crystal ball so you could see what severe weather events are over the horizon and who they are going to affect? Well we can't give you a crystal ball, but something much more reliable - accurate forecasts, alerting and embargo tools which enable you to make the right decisions when you need to...
Lose the crystal ball and use our highly accurate forecasting and threat maps which show your managers where to look, when to look and how they need to be prepared.
Our All Alerts product is a feed of all EWN warnings direct from our alert managers for any region, state or the whole country - you choose. We filter out the duplicate warnings so you aren't inundated with irrelevant information.
A prospective new client has called looking for cover while they are looking down the barrel of a Severe Weather event... you see their address is in a region which is currently experiencing Severe Weather - the question is, do you insure them or not?
Just because there's bad weather in the region, doesn't mean you shouldn't get their business - what you need is detailed, accurate information to help you determine the risk.
Using EWN's Embargo tool you can determine down to the street\house level whether or not it's safe to insure a new client who's ringing for that "just in time" insurance cover. We can work with you to integrate this capability directly into your frontline systems via our Application Programming Interface (API).