Source: VIC Emergency

This Emergency Warning to Evacuate Immediately is being issued for Briagolong, Culloden, Moornapa, Cobbannah and surrounds.

There is a bushfire at Duffy Rd, Briagolong that is not yet under control.
If you are camping in the area, evacuate immediately.
The wind has now changed direction and the fire is headed in a north-easterly direction due to a strong south-westerly wind.
Staying in Dargo township could be your safest option.
There are numerous fires in the area.
This Emergency Warning replaces the Emergency Warnings issued at 1:43pm

If you choose to stay, emergency services may not be able to help you.
If you are located in Briagolong, Culloden, Moornapa, Stockdale and surrounds, it is recommended you evacuate immediately and move to a safer location away from the fire.
What you should do:
This Emergency Warning is current until 3:00PM. Evacuation after this time is considered life threatening.

After 1 October, 3:00PM it may be too late to leave. Shelter indoors when the fire arrives - protect yourself from the radiant heat.

Evacuate immediately:
Evacuate immediately with all members of your household.
When you leave, remember to take your pets, mobile phone and charger.
If you are away from home, do not return.

Travel to a safer location. Options include:
The home of family or friends away from the warning area.

Residents in the warning area should leave by travelling south towards Sale via Briagalong.

In the car:
If you are travelling, do not enter the area. Make a u-turn and travel to safety.
Slow down and turn on your headlights. Smoke will make it difficult to see.

If you are unable to leave, you should seek shelter inside:
Protect yourself by wearing long sleeves and trousers, made from pure cotton or wool. Wear leather boots and heavy duty leather gloves.
Close all exterior doors, windows and vents. Turn off cooling systems.
Shelter in a room that has a door and or a window to the outside. The building can protect you from radiant heat. It is critical to keep an eye on what is happening with the fire.

If your home catches on fire:
Move away from the rooms that are on fire, closing doors behind you.
As soon as the bushfire has passed the house, or the conditions inside become unbearable, you need to get out and go to an area that has already been burnt. Staying inside a burning building will almost certainly end in death.
It may still be too hot to remain outside, so you'll need to seek shelter in another structure or last resort option.
Impacts in your area:
Bushfires can spread quickly and are extremely dangerous.
Bushfires can start spot fires and embers can travel large distances ahead of the main fire.
This message was issued by Country Fire Authority.

CFA Current Bushfires