Source: VIC Emergency

This Watch & Act message is for Bayswater.

There is a fire in a factory on Jersey Street in Bayswater.
This Watch and Act message replaces the Advice issued at 1:51 am.

Anyone located in the area bordered by the Dandenong Creek, Dorset Road, and, Malvern Street, and Scoresby Road in Bayswater should take shelter indoors immediately.
What you should do:

Close all exterior doors and windows. Close vents and ensure heating and cooling systems are turned off.
If you are away from home do not return.
If you are driving, close the windows in your vehicle. Turn off the air conditioning and close the vents.
Keep the roads clear so emergency services can respond.
Bring your pets indoors.

Impacts in your area:

The following road is closed: Jersey Road.
Other nearby roads may also be closed.
Check the VicTraffic website ( or call 13 11 70 for road closures.

This message was issued by Country Fire Authority.

The next update is expected by 14/02/2025 06:00 am or as the situation changes.

Use multiple sources to stay informed:
VicEmergency Hotline - freecall 1800 226 226
VicEmergency app
Facebook or Twitter (#vicfires)
Tune in to ABC Local Radio, commercial and designated community radio stations, or Sky News TV.


The following services can help you, or someone you know, access information during an emergency.

To access this information in other languages call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to call VicEmergency Hotline.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication impairment contact the National Relay Service and ask them to call the VicEmergency Hotline.

CFA Current Bushfires